Monday, December 15, 2008

Christmas Tag

Thanks for the fun Christmas Tag, Marci:

  1. Wrapping paper or gift bags? Wrapping paper and ribbon!! I tie GREAT bows
  2. Real tree or fake tree? I have one real tree and one fake. But I prefer real trees.
  3. When do you put up your tree? I try to put it up the day before Thanksgiving.
  4. When do you take it down? New Year's Day
  5. Do you like eggnog? I hardly ever drink it, but, yes, I like it.
  6. Favorite gift received as a child? When I was about 6 or 7 I got a Baby Chrissy Doll. She had red hair that could be made longer or shorter by turning a knob on her back. She was pretty tight.
  7. Easiest person to buy for? Brian. He may not seem easy to buy for, but he has lots and lots and lots of hobbies. Like motorcycles, peddle bikes, guns, guitars, hunting, cooking, tennis, golf, singing, 4 wheeling, boating, skiing, hiking. His interest in his hobbies don't always last that long, but he usually times it so I can buy him all the accessories for his current obsession and then by the next holiday he has moved onto something new.
  8. Do you have a nativity scene? I have the Lladro "Joyful Event" with a gres finish that I love and Brian gave me a Jim Shore nativity set last year. My kids favorite is our "ghetto" nativity that only has 2 wisemen.
  9. Mail or Email Christmas cards? Mail!!! If you can not hold it in your hand it is not a Christmas card.
  10. Worst gift you have ever received? One year Brian decided I needed a Victoria's Secret Christmas and I had about 8 VS Boxes under the tree, another year he bought me a pistol and he is still mad that I have never let him shoot it.
  11. Favorite Christmas movie? My favorite is "Heidi", Brian's favorite is "It's a Wonderful Life", and my children love "Elf."
  12. When do you start shopping for Christmas? You know, it doesn't really matter when I start, because I am NEVER finished until Christmas eve.
  13. Have you ever recycled a Christmas gift? Yes. I am not a regiver, but one Christmas Brian got this hiking thing from IHC that we would never use. We had some friends that we thought would really like it, so we gave it to them. It still causes me stress to think about it.
  14. Favorite thing to eat at Christmas? Hershey's Extra Creamy Milk Chocolate Bells, Fudge and Reese's Peanut Butter Trees
  15. Lights on tree? Is it an option to not have lights?
  16. Can you name Santa's reindeer? No, but I can make up the ones I don't know.
  17. Favorite Christmas song? Winter Wonderland by Annie Lennox
  18. Travel or stay home? Stay home.
  19. Angel or star tree topper? I'm really not a tree topper kind of person, we have neither
  20. Open presents Christmas eve or Christmas day? Christmas Eve we open jammie pants, everything else Christmas morning.
  21. Favorite Christmas tradition? My family does chinese food on Christmas Eve
  22. Favorite ornament, theme or color? We have one tree that is all white. The tree is flocked, the ornaments, ribbons, lights and trim are clear or white. Even the presents are wrapped in white paper with white ribbon. I like to think of this as our "celestial" tree. We collect ornaments from places we go and my mom gives the kids a "special" ornament each year, so I have a lot of favorites. But I think the best is the 1/2 Doctor 1/2 Mermaid that Lance gave Brian. It is legendary.
  23. Favorite Christmas dinner? Turkey, Rolls, Potato Salad at my mom's house
  24. What do you want for Christmas? I'm hoping for a diamond bracelet like the one Boozer was wearing at the jazz game tonight.
  25. Best Christmas present you have ever given? One year we surprised Brian with spinners on the Yukon.

I tag Cassidy, Megan, Jamielyn and Amber. Have Fun


marcikay said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
marcikay said...

wow.. sorry about that deleted comment..that looks menacing.. i read my comment and i had worded something weird.. i didn't know it would look like that if i deleted it.. but so you know, it was just me!
but.. oh my gosh debbie! i had a baby chrissy doll.. i loved her so much.. my mom still has her and my girls play with her when we're in boise! she does have great hair! (remarkably still in pretty good condition!)::now i wish i had a picture of her, just for you::

marcikay said...

me again.. just had to tell you i had to edit my list.. my sis-in-law informed me that my mother-in-law reads my blog from time to time.. how embarassing..

Casseron said...

HAHA getting Brian spinners really was way fun!! But, you tagged me and we have all the same answers... oh well!

Jamielyn said...

Thanks for the tag, it was fun! You do make GREAT bows and your wrapping is definitely the neatest as well!