Friday, December 10, 2010

Why I Like Winter

This post was originally going to be "Why I Don't Like Winter."  But, man oh man, who has time to write a post that long.  So, I decided to go with the much shorter version (I will be lucky to be able to come up with five)
The Reason's I like Winter:
  • Boots- Yes, I really, really like boots.  I wish it was possible to go straight from sandal season to boot season.  Who needs those inbetween shoes?
  • Fireplaces-Just flip the switch and within minutes you are warm and snugly.
  • Coats- I like coats.  I don't if this really fits in "winter" category, because I often wear a coat in the summer (or at least have one with me-just in case.) Oh well, it's going on my list.
  • Layers and Long sleeves-What up with those people wearing tank tops?!! It's winter, for heaven's sake!
  • Soda-I love when you can leave your soda in the car for four hours and when you come back it is still cold.  Can't get much better than that. 
  • Christmas Lights-Don't confuse this with Christmas decorations.  I like to see festive Christmas lights. I don't like putting them up, taking them down, or any of that other Christmas "fun."  I just like the lights.
I think that is pretty much everything that is good about winter!!

1 comment:

Casseron said...

I hate to break it to ya but, not all fireplaces can be turned off with a flip of the switch... Also, you forgot hot chocolate and toast! haha