Wednesday, April 14, 2010

I thought this was a baseball game...

Brian and I had the opportunity to attend the Rockies Home Opener at Coors Field last weekend. Game 1 was great! Beautiful, sunny day, great seats and the Rockies win 7-0.

Game 2 started out great. A little cold out, but still good seats and the Rockies are up 2-0 and then this guy shows up!! Have you ever seen an obnoxious, loud, foul mouthed drunk and thought to yourself, "That is why I don't drink."? That was this guy. He spent most of the game standing up, turned around, talking (OK, yelling) at the 2 couples behind him and the one next to him. This dude was in love with them; he was buying beer for everyone, taking pictures of them, I think he actually invited them to Christmas dinner. A little distracting for a baseball game, but we were trying to ignore it and watch the tied up 4-4.

But then someone dropped the O-bomb...OBAMA! I haven't heard so many F words since the opening scene of Pulp Fiction. I was reminded of the old saying: I went to a fight and a baseball game broke out. Of course, the game went 14 innings so we were able to enjoy the director's cut version of this drama. Moral of the story: What's more American than baseball? Definitely not Obama. Oh, yeah, the Rockies lost 4-5.


nataliejustin said...

wow! people are nuts! I'm glad you made it out alive. Did he notice you taking pictures of him?

KatandBlue said...

very sly on the photo-taking. I love baseball, and I would have been mad if that dude was at my game! Watch out for any more "F"-bombs and "O"-bombs!

Casseron said...

Man, what a jerk face!! Who does that?? I mean honestly, come on!

Lisa said...

Don't you love how you plan on going to do something fun and there is alway some jerk there waiting to ruin it for everyone because there a foul mouthed drunk.